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Elevated Printpack Customer Experience
Elevated Customer Experience

Our Passion for Rigid Packaging Drives Us to Excel

Printpack Rigid’s partnerships go well beyond rigid packaging container development, continuing into our commercial relationships. Our organization is geared to provide you with a unique customer experience through consistently high-quality product, best-in-class services, and unparalleled support of your business’s greater needs.


Our manufacturing team has top-class quality control systems as well as continuous improvement processes in place. We combine detailed production specifications with automated and manual inspection of the packaging that we produce.

Diagram of a rigid cup

Supply Chain

Our customer demand analyst and supply chain teams provide you with rigid packaging in a timely manner, on time, and in full. We specialize in production scheduling, inventory management, and logistics. This ensures that you do not run out of containers so you can keep up with your own production schedule and keep your product on shelves.

Commercial Team

Our marketing and sales teams keep you aware of the latest trends in the market to make sure that your rigid packaging containers and products are positioned to succeed. As a result, your existing rigid packaging performs better, and you can take advantage of new opportunities in the market.

Specific programs that we have in place to support your business include:

  • Onboarding experience – Bring your new concepts to life and scale flawlessly to commercial production with a transparent roadmap for consistent execution
  • Supply chain optimization – Enjoy an easy to navigate order and inventory management program that includes access to our coordinated team of experts and world-class technology platforms
  • Value engineering – Stay relevant with access to new and evolving recommendations to improve your packaging

Rigid Packaging Capabilities